#CaptainAmericaCivilWar Plot Revealed

It was announced Martin Freeman (from Sherlock and The Hobbit Films) has been added to the growing cast of “Captain America: Civil War”.  He joins an already packed film which includes Chris Evans (Captain America), Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Sebastian Stan (Winter Soldier), and Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) to name a few. 

Also released yesterday, exclusively to the Hashtag Bolton First News Crew, is the major plot development that ignites the “Civil War” between the Avengers and other Super Heroes.  Most comic book nerds know that in the comics, the Civil War started because there was a difference of opinion on whether persons granted with super powers or abilities should be required to register themselves under the Superhero Registration Act. Talking with insiders during pre-production of Captain America: Civil War, we have been granted the unique pleasure to break the news on the true reason for the bromance breakup of Iron Man and Captain America.

Warning, this post contains spoilers!! Do not continue if you do not want to know.

Are you sure you still want to go?
Almost there…

The reason for the split is due to Political Party Affiliation.   

No wonder this movie is slated prior to the 2016 Presidential Election.
Have a great day my friends...
