Our Day in Court.

Tuesday, KC and I went to the courthouse downtown to be present for the decision to place D in a foster home.  Now I've only been to the courthouse maybe a hand full of times.  Maybe a couple jury duties, one time when my parents were divorcing, and to get our marriage licenses.

I went one time in Houston with my aunt and uncle.  He's with the Houston Police Department and she wanted to see a trial he was testifying at.   I remember her not being real impressed.

Yeah, I wasn't impressed with what I saw either.  I was expecting to see more excitement and beautiful people like in The Practice.  What I saw was depressing.  It was like Wal-Mart Court.

Maybe on another floor where all the murder trials are the pretty people.

Nothing major happened.

Well nothing major which we didn't already know.  D is going to be staying with us and it's on the record and everything.  

I thought it was cool the court stenographer typed my wife's name in shorthand.

In two months the baby's mother and hopefully father will be back in court to check statuses.  I met D's mother and she seems very genuine and determined to do her best to get her daughter back.  She's since left Kristie's cousin and he doesn't know where she is staying. Both KC and I believe this won't last as long as we initially though, a year.

The baby is coming tonight.  We've moved things around.  We graduated Celi to a toddler bed (and she was FANTASTIC!!!) and moved her old crib in our room for D.

So that's where we are right now.

Tonight we'll have SIX kids.
