Yo! Momma!*

With Ladybug first it was  "Dada" (for Daddy), then it was "Issac" (a kid in her daycare), followed by "Bubba" (For brother, but really she was meaning Mommy, but we didn't tell MaddSkillz), then finally she spit out "Momma" before the age of 1.

With Disco first it was "Dada" (for Daddy), then it was "Dada" (but he meant "Momma").  I'm sure "Nana" was in there because Disco is her favorite.  He finally called the woman who bore him "Momma" at EIGHT-TEEN MONTHS OLD!!!

With Celi, KC claims she said "Momma" first and actually meant "Momma".  Which I disagree as more than likely after Disco, KC was in total denial.

With Emsters first was "Dada" (for Daddy) and then "Dada" (for Mommy).  But only for a little bit because this week she started saying "Momma" and actually means "Momma" All before she turns 1.

So congratulate my bride on this accomplishment.  She was starting to get pissed off about it because we thought we had another Disco incident on our hands.

*I am only documenting the babies I have seen from birth.  I was not around when MaddSkillz was born, but I'm sure he would have said "Eric" before "Momma".  And I am also not counting "Hi" or "No" as words here.  Because I'm sure my wife or her mother (Nana) will correct me the second they read this.
