Owl is DEA

This story comes from Creative Copy Challenge. The idea is to make a story based on 10 random words determined by the site administrator. The stories have no restrictions on content or length. The required words are bolded.

On the way back to my table from the IHOP bathroom, my phone buzzed with a new message.

Winnie the Pooh is being held by authorities in conjunction with illegal hunny smuggling rings all across the hundred acre woods. Owl is dea”

I was shocked when I read this on my twitter updates.

“Owl is dea”???

I had no clue that the Wise Ol’ Owl was a narc with the Drug Enforcement Agency.

I usually don’t subscribe to @head-shot harry’s social networking propaganda, but this was something that I had to delve into a bit more. I mean, those furry little freaks trusted Owl with their issues. Now to think that his prior work history is in question because he is believed to be working for the man.

I sat down and started to think of the lawsuits that will arise. Kanga, Rabbit, the Gophers that would whistle a song through their teeth when they talk.

The more orange juice I drink the less sense this makes. When did the US Government start hiring Owls for stakeouts?

My phone buzzed.

New message.

It was @head-shot harry again.

“Owl is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.”


That makes more sense.

Original Post
