A Reconsideration??

Last night KC spent the night in Labor and Delivery. She's only 26 weeks along and was having contractions most of the day. By the time she was at the hospital they were 3 minutes apart. She was at work and I was at home working and the kids were asleep. She had to go by herself, by thankfully her father was able to be there with her for a little bit. I slept on the couch in hopes that she would come through the door in the middle of the night. I fell asleep thinking, "This one was going great." and "Here we go again!"

I blogged about her pregnancy history last here. You can check it out below to catch up.

I'm at that point again where I'm weighing my wife's health over the possibility of more children. I know that right now my feelings are based off the past 12 hours. But we're not getting any younger or giving ourselves time to heal.

So right now, I don't know anymore. Tomorrow or next week, I might be back to our feelings from last year.

Have a great weekend my friends.

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